Thursday, April 30, 2015

Graphene 3D Lab to announce water-soluble 3D printer filament this week

Graphene 3D Lab has announced today that it will present details on a newly-developed water-soluble 3D printer filament at the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters’ (CME) Canada Makes: Additive Manufacturing Forum at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario on April 30, 2015. Graphene 3D...
Graphene 3D Lab to announce water-soluble 3D printer filament this week

NAO lends a robotic hand in banking customer service

Standing just 58 cm (23 in) high, NAO was given a plinth to put him on eye level with the costumers he greeted (Photo: Stephen Clemenger/ In Japan, humanoid robots are seen as an important part of the solution to the looming double problem of a shortage of labor and an aging society...
NAO lends a robotic hand in banking customer service

Industrial Revolution III 3D printer places electronics within the objects it creates

The inner workings of the Industrial Revolution 3, which its creators call ‘the world’s first product assembling 3D printer’ The development of 3D printer technology has been rapidly accelerating, boosted in a large part to the open source community and world-wide sharing of...
Industrial Revolution III 3D printer places electronics within the objects it creates

Redesigned Solus DLP 3D printer to open for pre-orders soon

The high number of start-ups appearing in the 3D printing community definitely shows that it’s a viable, potent and promising market, but unfortunately it’s not always gold that glistens. Many start-ups unfortunately don’t immediately live up to their expectations or are able...
Redesigned Solus DLP 3D printer to open for pre-orders soon

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Monkeyfab Unveils Massive KILO 3D Printer Prototype

No matter how you look at it, FDM technology has more or less reached its full potential, with 3D printing materials as one of the few areas with room for improvement. The printing process invented and mastered by Stratasys will never become that much faster or more accurate than it is today,...
Monkeyfab Unveils Massive KILO 3D Printer Prototype

VW Proves to Polish Public the Power of 3D Printing for its Latest Passat

The automotive industry is one of the biggest beneficiaries of 3D printing technology, with ountless companies around the world using 3D printers on a daily basis in order to accelerate and improve the design and manufacturing processes. For them, 3D printing is a real revolution and salvation...
VW Proves to Polish Public the Power of 3D Printing for its Latest Passat

Torrequebradilla, Spain. Population: 300 People and 300 3D Printed Clones

Sicnova3D , part of Grupo Sicnova, is a Spanish 3D printer and 3D scanner manufacturer that has been very active lately in promoting both its CloneScan3D scanning booth and its newest JCR 1000 large size (one cubic meter) 3D printer. The CloneScan3D system, in particular, has been the...
Torrequebradilla, Spain. Population: 300 People and 300 3D Printed Clones

Monday, April 27, 2015

Microsoft will reveal new 3D printing file formats during Build 2015

Microsoft has just announced that it will reveal information on its new 3D printing file format in Windows 10 at this year’s Build conference in San Francisco. The software giant believes that current file formats are outdated, and that by aligning CAD software with 3D printing...
Microsoft will reveal new 3D printing file formats during Build 2015

Eye of Horus brings eye-tracking to astronauts thanks to 3D printing

Among all of the current industries that are seeing just how much of an impact 3D printing can have on existing processes, the space exploration and manufacturing industry is perhaps seeing some of the most exciting developments to date.  Between sending the very first 3D printer up into...
Eye of Horus brings eye-tracking to astronauts thanks to 3D printing

Gensler marries unmanned drones with 3D printing to create MUPPette Mobile 3D printing

Most technological breakthroughs are the result of recognizing a flaw or limitation within existing industrial practices—such as the lack of a mobile platform for 3D printing objects of limitless scale—and having the creative urge to experiment and resolve them. That spirit is...
Gensler marries unmanned drones with 3D printing to create MUPPette Mobile 3D printing

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Print2Taste Emerges with the Bocusini Food 3D Printer

The field of food 3D printing is only just beginning, but, with its potential to create personally-tailored dishes for eaters, both in terms of nutrients and taste, could yield a completely different way of eating in the future.  Though the details are still sketchy, a new German company...
Print2Taste Emerges with the Bocusini Food 3D Printer

The Bocusini is the first universal Plug & Play food 3D printer, soon on Kickstarter

When it comes to food-based additive manufacturing, the niche-specific form of 3D printing hasn’t taken off as much as some previously thought it would.  Sure, the ability to transform a CAD model into something edible has its charms and appeal, but more often than not, these...
The Bocusini is the first universal Plug & Play food 3D printer, soon on Kickstarter

Coming Soon: a $5,000 SLS 3D Printer From Sinterit

Link To Coming Soon: a $5,000 SLS 3D Printer From Sinterit Sinterit is creating an affordable SLS printer, which seems like a contradiction, but they are doing it. They’ve been working out bugs, adding new functionality, and creating a very sleek, new industrial design for their $5,000...
Coming Soon: a $5,000 SLS 3D Printer From Sinterit

Friday, April 24, 2015

HotEnd Works' new HDfab ceramic 3D printer utilizes Pressurized Spray Deposition technology for high resolution prints

While a new model FDM 3D printer seems to be released just about once a week, the unveiling of other types of 3D printers are much rarer to find. That’s why we were very interested to learn about a new approach to ceramic 3D printing that has been developed by Oberlin, Ohio-based high...
HotEnd Works' new HDfab ceramic 3D printer utilizes Pressurized Spray Deposition technology for high resolution prints

New 'Limitless' multi-tool machine combines a 3d printer with a CNC machine

It seems like we used to see a new 3D printer once a month, then once a week and now, it appears that we’re seeing some sort of new approach to additive manufacturing seemingly every day now.  Of course, one of the hottest spots for launching a new 3D printer these days is...
New 'Limitless' multi-tool machine combines a 3d printer with a CNC machine

ACES and UOW Developing 3D Printing Materials with a Fourth Dimension

4D printing? Is such a thing even possible? According to ARC Center of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES) and the University of Wollongong (UOW), it is…kind of. They claim that they are working on a way to produce materials via additive manufacturing that shape shift over...
ACES and UOW Developing 3D Printing Materials with a Fourth Dimension

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Synthesis Vs Arthesis, 3D Printing and the World of Design One Year Later

Last year, in April 2014, my partners and I organized the Synthesis event during Milan Design Week. It was the first event I had ever organized, but I knew I wanted to share what I had learned as well as my enthusiasm for 3D printing. Others did as well, as 3D printing was already becoming...
Synthesis Vs Arthesis, 3D Printing and the World of Design One Year Later

Gala 3D Printer Hits Kickstarter Heavy with Features and Light Price-Tag

While the desktop 3D printing market continues to over-saturate, we still await the perfect low-cost printer that is both flexible and easy to use, stocked with features, but not overly complicated, and capable of printing decent-sized, functional objects, but at a reasonable price. ...
Gala 3D Printer Hits Kickstarter Heavy with Features and Light Price-Tag

Create 'The Wave' - a 3D printed kinetic sculpture that's perfect for your desktop

Although there are thousands of objects in existence on various 3D print file sharing hubs and other networks, only a select few of these ready-to-print objects actually feature moving parts – a complicated design feature that usually involves engineering know-how from years of...
Create 'The Wave' - a 3D printed kinetic sculpture that's perfect for your desktop

Viscoelastic Printhead Yields Promise for Multimaterial 3D Printing

While researchers like Hod Lipson are working on advanced multimaterial 3D printing techniques behind institutional doors, Harvard’s Jennifer Lewis is advancing 3D printing technologies on both the commercial and the academic fronts.  The material scientist’s Voxel8 , of which...
Viscoelastic Printhead Yields Promise for Multimaterial 3D Printing

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Acoustruments" could add physical controls to smartphones – using nothing but a plastic tube

The new technology is designed to provide touchscreen devices with low-cost, physical controls While the touchscreen is perhaps the most versatile input method ever created, it’s not ideal for every situation, offering little in the way of tangible physical controls. Researchers at...
"Acoustruments" could add physical controls to smartphones – using nothing but a plastic tube

Thingiverse features "Get This Printed" button to allow users to order 3D prints directly via 3D Hubs

While 3D Hubs is already enabling users throughout the world to 3D print objects through their network of 3D printers, that process is about to become easier than ever before. For 3D Hubs and Thingiverse have just announced a partnership that will see an extra button appear alongside designs on...
Thingiverse features "Get This Printed" button to allow users to order 3D prints directly via 3D Hubs

Give your 3D prints a metal plating using the Orbit 1 electroplater

While it’s been expected for a long time, the Orbit1 electroplater is now finally ready for business. Since being unveiled at the Maker Faire in New York last September, this interesting desktop electroplating machine has been eagerly awaited by many in the 3D printing community as an...
Give your 3D prints a metal plating using the Orbit 1 electroplater

MONO, an eyewear collection 3D printed to fit your face, launches on Indiegogo

Among all of the objects that have been experimented with as designs that use additive manufacturing as form of final manufacturing, 3D printed glasses are among the most prominent.  Thingiverse – MakerBot’s collective 3D print file sharing hub – has over 1400 search...
MONO, an eyewear collection 3D printed to fit your face, launches on Indiegogo

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

HP expects to launch Multi Jet Fusion technology 3D printer line in 2016

Although HP unveiled their revolutionary Multi Jet Fusion technology just last October of 2014, it seems like the 3D printing industry has already seen a new wave of new revolutionary tech ranging from the ultra-quick Carbon3D CLIP technology to even some impressive DIY solutions that are made...
HP expects to launch Multi Jet Fusion technology 3D printer line in 2016

3D Printing Inside/Outside/Around the Box for hackster’s Hardware Housing Challenge brings you their latest 3D design challenge “Give your Hardware a Home” in sponsorship with Autodesk Fusion 360 . The challenge is about giving one of three hardware hacks a unique shelter. It isn’t quite about thinking outside the box or inside the box, but about...
3D Printing Inside/Outside/Around the Box for hackster’s Hardware Housing Challenge

Made In Space Launches New Line of Out of This World 3D Printing Filament

There is little doubt that 3D printing has enormous implications for space exploration and that Made In Space was and is the very first company to actually explore them by manufacturing objects in space . The company also has a very wise approach to marketing, which is good, since someone has...
Made In Space Launches New Line of Out of This World 3D Printing Filament

Monday, April 20, 2015

Meet Italian Designer Cristina Franceschini and her collection of 3D printed shoes, jewelry & accessories

Cristina Franceschini is an Italian freelance designer who lives in Fermo, a small city in central Italy. Her hometown has a long tradition in shoe manufacturing. Here, craftsmanship and expertise have been passed down from generation to generation for decades. Indeed, this picturesque...
Meet Italian Designer Cristina Franceschini and her collection of 3D printed shoes, jewelry & accessories

Automate the removal and 3D printing of multiple objects with the ECHOdrive add-on

While the community of 3D printers is filled with interesting and promising start-ups that all promise to produce new and exciting hardware, most just develop decent 3D printers that function or look slightly differently from most others. But there are some real gems out there as well, such as...
Automate the removal and 3D printing of multiple objects with the ECHOdrive add-on

Turn your voice into 3D printed jewelry

It’s hardly a secret that 3D printing technology is perfect for manufacturing intricate, beautifuly, original and meaningful pieces of jewelry, and its therefore hardly surprising that Shapeways is full of great examples. But did you know that don’t need a high-quality metal 3D...
Turn your voice into 3D printed jewelry

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Father uses 3D printing to help teach his blind daughter math

While 3D printing technology has been steadily cementing its reputation as an excellent tool for help the disabled and people suffering from unusual medical conditions, one family from San Diego proves that we shouldn’t forget about the blind either. For one of Jason and Dori...
Father uses 3D printing to help teach his blind daughter math

Just Draw, Click & 3D Print with MakerBot’s New Shape Maker

When introducing the MakerBot’s PrintShop app for the iPad in early summer last year, Bre Pettis, then CEO of MakerBot, believed that they had “finally provided a piece of software that helps bring 3D printing to the masses, having removed the obstacle of not knowing 3D design to be...
Just Draw, Click & 3D Print with MakerBot’s New Shape Maker

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Nin10do: Dutch magician brings NES to 21st century using 3D printing & a Raspberry Pi

While most of us use our 3D printers to build fun little accessories and tributes the upcoming Star Wars movie, we are constantly reminded that it’s a perfect technology for manufacturing original electronic contraptions as well. Just look at this inspiring project by Dutch part-time...
Nin10do: Dutch magician brings NES to 21st century using 3D printing & a Raspberry Pi

NailO puts a wireless trackpad on your thumbnail

The NailO is a Bluetooth trackpad that’s temporarily adhered to the user’s thumbnail (Photo: Melanie Gonick, MIT News) Imagine if you had your hands full preparing a meal, but then had to put everything down so you could reach over to turn the recipe page on your laptop or tablet....
NailO puts a wireless trackpad on your thumbnail

Friday, April 17, 2015

Polish designer creates this awesome kaleidoscope using 3D printing

That 3D printers are perfect for making simple toys is hardly a secret. After all, the web is filled with downloadable designs for basic toys you can make on just about any 3D printer. But more complex toys, that actually do something, are much more difficult to make and therefore much rarer....
Polish designer creates this awesome kaleidoscope using 3D printing

Create a 3D printed arcade cabinet using a Raspberry Pi

For those who grew up during the heyday of coin-operated arcade games – particularly in the 1970s and 1980s – it’s easy to get nostalgic about the “simpler days” where video games were in 8-bit and had simple objectives.  Although the video game systems of...
Create a 3D printed arcade cabinet using a Raspberry Pi

Dutch scientists develop 3D printed 'light traps' to make solar cells more efficient than ever

Physicists from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands have developed a very interesting 3D printing application that can revolutionize the availability of environmentally-friendly energy. They have designed and 3D printed a light concentrator that essentially functions as a trap for...
Dutch scientists develop 3D printed 'light traps' to make solar cells more efficient than ever

Thursday, April 16, 2015

New Protocol Helps 3DFilo Rate the Best 3D Printing Filament for the Job

Dozens of new products – including some produced by large petrochemical groups – are literally flooding the market, offering hundreds of different options for 3D printer filaments. And, developed in collaboration with Dogma Solutions, 3DFilo’s Filaments Evaluation...
New Protocol Helps 3DFilo Rate the Best 3D Printing Filament for the Job

PowerPoint + Projectors = Cheap & Easy Micro-SLA 3D Printing

Based on research being done in nano-scale optical imaging at the Nano – CEMMS Center at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, a low-cost DLP-SLA process has been demonstrated by students using equipment that could typically be found in any school classroom. Using a video...
PowerPoint + Projectors = Cheap & Easy Micro-SLA 3D Printing

Ultimate TestrBot Machine Can Tell You Just How Strong You’re 3D Printing

Link To Ultimate TestrBot Machine Can Tell You Just How Strong You’re 3D Printing While many software companies are working on making it easier for you to do everything you need before you 3D print new creations, increasingly we are seeing initiatives that focus on what happens after a...
Ultimate TestrBot Machine Can Tell You Just How Strong You’re 3D Printing

Big Red 3D printer self-replicates most of its own parts

The human body relies on the process of cell reproduction, whereby the very cells that compose our organs duplicate their contents, and then divide into two separate cells, which then duplicate and divide into two more cells, and so on and so on, ensuring the growth and development of our...
Big Red 3D printer self-replicates most of its own parts

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

3D Printer Review: the Just Released da Vinci Jr. from XYZprinting

In preparation for the international release of the new da Vinci Jr. 3D printer , I had a chance to get my hands on XYZprinting ‘s most affordable desktop fabricator to see if it might live up to its appeal. The da Vinci Jr., just launched today at a price of $349, boasts the following...
3D Printer Review: the Just Released da Vinci Jr. from XYZprinting

Create a customizable 3D printed robot arm

It seems that robots have been getting a lot of attention these days with everything from Hollywood feature films to theories about the future of AI intelligence, however the process of building a robot from scratch is nowhere near as easy or as quick as it’s depicted in some of these...
Create a customizable 3D printed robot arm

Introducing Kayan, an exclusive 3D printed lamp shade for Plumen

Thanks to several interesting designer projects, such as this 3D printed mood lamp , we’ve already known for a while that 3D printers can definitely be used to make interesting and original lamp shades in all shapes and sizes. But of course, all of those are one-off products that...
Introducing Kayan, an exclusive 3D printed lamp shade for Plumen

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ultimaker Opens Pre-Orders for Ultimaker² Go and Extended 3D Printers

After announcing the development of a large-scale and mini 3D printer at CES this year, Ultimaker has finally opened up their new Ultimaker² Extended and Ultimaker² Go 3D printers for pre-order, with anticipated shipment taking place this month.  Now, at the Ultimaker website ,...
Ultimaker Opens Pre-Orders for Ultimaker² Go and Extended 3D Printers

Stratasys unveils the extremely fast and efficient Large-Scale Objet 1000 Plus 3D printer

While Stratasys has grown to become an undisputed leader in the manufacturing of industrial-quality and superbly accurate 3D printers since its humble beginnings in Minnesota in 1989, the company is clearly not resting on laurels. For Stratasys has just announced a brand-new 3D printer, a...
Stratasys unveils the extremely fast and efficient Large-Scale Objet 1000 Plus 3D printer

Build your own 3D printer filament extruder

3D printing is fun, creative, revolutionary; you name it. But to be honest, there is a huge downside to all our desktop FDM printers at home: it’s an expensive hobby. While 3D printers are steadily becoming cheaper, anyone who prints regularly will have noticed that those rolls of...
Build your own 3D printer filament extruder

Diamond Hotend makes multi-color 3D printing possible from a single nozzle

The Diamond Hotend is a new type of 3D printer extruder that prints in multiple colors from a single nozzle Entrepreneurs in Denmark have taken another step towards improving the general usability of 3D printers with the Diamond Hotend, a single 3D extruder unit that can mix and melt three...
Diamond Hotend makes multi-color 3D printing possible from a single nozzle

Monday, April 13, 2015

Intel Begins Work on RealSense 3D Scanning Smartphone

Tablet and desktop computer manufacturers have already begun rolling out products featuring Intel’s 3D depth camera, hinting that the next step would be to integrate the RealSense device into smartphones.  That day may have arrived as, today, the chip developer has unveiled a version...
Intel Begins Work on RealSense 3D Scanning Smartphone

Test and calibrate your 3D printer's capacities with the #3DBenchy test project

Theoretically, 3D printing technology can be used to make just about anything. Even a basic desktop FDM 3D printer should be capable of creating diverse, complex and unnatural shapes, just about anything you can imagine. But the reality is that most users only 3D print basic geometric shapes....
Test and calibrate your 3D printer's capacities with the #3DBenchy test project